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Largest delivery service company in the United States optimized routes and automated pickup requests to streamline their last mile deliveries ensuring on-time and efficient pickups and deliveries.

Optimized Route Planning for On-time Pickups and Deliveries

Largest delivery service company in the United States offered same day, overnight, next day, and standard shipments. They had an asset-light model where they had associated with contractors who execute their last mile deliveries. These contractors utilized their own vehicles, riding under client’s brand name.

They handled all incoming packages through their hubs, distribution centers, and pickup/delivery stations. Hubs and distribution centers were spread out around the country. Each distribution center was surrounded by pickup and delivery stations. Furthermore, the surrounding territory of each delivery station was divided into work areas handled by contractors, based on zip codes.

LogiNext optimized last mile deliveries for the client, including automated pickup management, to ensure a seamless delivery experience for all their customers.
Previous model of static planning involved preset work areas irrespective of incoming load. LogiNext enabled dynamic contracts which balanced loads across work areas.
Smart Transport Schedule Planning
Plan schedules for all shipments considering multiple parameters such as Vehicle Type, Vehicle Capacity, Driver Skill Sets, Estimated Time of Arrivals (ETA) at different hubs, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Loading and Unloading time, etc.
Smart Route Planing
& Optimization
Plan and optimize routes between hubs to decrease in-transit time and detention due to local traffic and weather considerations. Decreased transit time reduces fuel consumption, increases SLA compliance, and total turnaround time for the vehicles.
Career Capacity Planning
& Optimization
Enhance your transport fleet management & planning with live fleet tracking geo-fencing around origin, destination, and in-transit hubs, enabling extreme precision in hub-in/hub-out reports, ETA calculation, and real-time GPS vehicle tracking.
Real-Time Detention
& Hub-Load Management
Track all instances of detention and delays in real-time with accurate ETA revisions. Manage the hub-load with complete visibility of all incoming shipments and the exact time when it would arrive. Use scanning machines to immediately record each merchandise unit and reduce overall detention time at each hub.
Fleet & Driver Behavioral
Analytics Reports
Track driver behavior by tracking deviations from planned routes, speeding, night-time driving, harsh breaking, temperature variations (cold-chain logistics), and excessive breaks. View a monthly performance report to map working hours and comply with ELD standards.
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One of the biggest CPG retail chains in the USA, with more than 2000 stores across the country with product line-ups ranging from home & personal use to official & commercial merchandise, uses LogiNext to decrease resource cost and boost productivity!
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